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If You Would Like To DONATE

You can donate using your:

checking or savings account (one-time or monthly) or credit card (one-time only) 


How your donations are used at H.O.P.E. Clinic

$500 per patient

            Free pregnancy test.

            Free diagnostic limited ultrasound.

            Free sexually transmitted disease testing.

            One-on-one mentoring using the rewards program to study prenatal and parenting issues.

            Infant clothing up to 2 years

            Baby Equipment (crib, car seat, etc.).

$175 per grade

            One week of abstinence education in our schools.


$230 a month pays for our phone and internet service


$200 will pay a portion of advertising to promote the clinic


$30 will pay for 20 New Testaments for patients


$25 will pay for brochures for 50 patients


$84 a month will pay for the management of our donor website and our client website.

$45,000 will support the operation for our medical clinic for one year



Wish List 

Receptionist for Clinic
Someone to clean the Clinic once a week. 

You may also mail your check to

P O Box 645, Benton, KY 42025.

Need more information?

We are here to assist.

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