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  • Writer's pictureLisa Holland


Here at HOPE Clinic, we had to learn how to offer some of our services in unique and different ways.

Like most folks, our lives slowed down considerably, and there were times that things were very hard... but GOD! He is so faithful and just.

Many pregnancy centers had to close down completely, but we were blessed to stay open most of the time and kept meeting the needs of young families in this community.

I believe that as we look back on our lives years from now, we will say that at this time, our families grew closer together, and our relationships strengthened.

The major goal of HOPE Clinic is to strengthen the families that walk through our doors.

These families may be the traditional, consisting of a mother, father, and baby. Or it may consist of a mother and a child, or a mother, child, and boyfriend. Whatever it is, we encourage them to grow and strengthen their family unit.

Our Lyon County nurse, Marissa Bergman, shares a story about how God works and how He gave her the opportunity to share His love with one particular young family.

Do you believe that God works in the mundane, seemingly ordinary moments?

We have seen it time and time again at HOPE Clinic. I like to imagine Him as a pilot, guiding the plane while simultaneously turning endless knobs. It never ceases to amaze me the moments He orchestrates.

Last year, He did just that. He orchestrated a seemingly unimportant moment that had great influence in the end. Occasionally, the clinic will get invited to a community event to share about our services. On this particular occasion, our clinic manager was out of town, and so I filled in for her.

This doesn’t usually fall within my “job” duties, but I was happy to do it!

When I arrived at the event, I sat down at an empty table, waiting for it to start. A young girl came in and sat at the table with me. We struck up a simple, kind conversation.

I learned she was new to the area and was a young mom. I don’t think she realized I was the guest speaker until I went up to speak. I shared about the heart behind the ministry and the resources we offer, then went back to work.

Fast forward six months. I get a phone call at work from a young girl. She had just taken a pregnancy test at home, and it was positive. This was unplanned, unexpected, and she was scared.

I asked her if she would like to come in to talk. She gave me her name, and although a common first name, the thought crossed my mind, “I wonder if this is the same girl I talked to at the event?”

Sure enough, our eyes met as she opened the front door. I recognized her, and she recognized me. Immediately, the tears came. We were able to talk about her options and see her baby on the ultrasound. Her demeanor completely changed once she saw the flicker of her baby’s heartbeat. As she was leaving, she said, “I feel so much better.”

She has delivered her baby and her and the father of the baby got married! We have the privilege to minister to this family and watch what God is doing in their lives!

This is exactly why HOPE exists--to provide comfort and resources when she needs it most. Our conversation months prior seemed so simple at the time, but God used it in a big way.

Do you see how God worked in this situation?

We were able to minister to this young lady, and now she has her own little family. She chose life because she found the support and hope that she needed, and she knew she wasn’t alone.

This is what HOPE Clinic is all about... giving that hope. We can do that because of you, your gifts, prayers, and support. Each month we will share what God is doing at HOPE Clinic!

Thank you!

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